Qiang Huang


The present study aims to investigate teacher roles in relation to classroom activities. For this purpose, Survey questionnaires were administered to 49 university students in their English course. The questionnaire consisted of two 5-Likert scales. One scale, the STRI, examined teacher roles and the second one, CAI, investigated the number of classroom activities used in class as well as their frequencies. Statistical results showed that both scales were very reliable and valid with Cronbach Alpha values reaching .913 and .822 respectively. So are the three main constructs of both teacher roles (namely, cognitive role, affective role and managerial role) and classroom activities (i.e., one-way language exercises, meaning-focused interactive activities and real-life tasks). Descriptive statistics indicated that the English class was mainly dominated by interactive activities. Further analyses revealed that, in this activity-dominated English course, the teacher had exerted different impacts in the three domains: cognitive role had the highest mean, affective role had the medium mean and managerial role had the lowest mean. More importantly, results of correlational analyses disclosed that teacher role was positively correlated with classroom activities, so did most of their main constructs. More specific features were identified, and implications were discussed in the study. 


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teacher roles, classroom activities, cognitive role, affective role, managerial role

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v6i6.3988


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