Jabun Nahar, Srabani Mallik


This article establishes a connection between students' metacognitive awareness and success in reading comprehension. Reading is a cognitive process that directs students to interact, predict, form hypotheses about the literary text. Reading also involves synthesizing information and critically analyzing a text in a literary context. Metacognition implies "cognition about cognition". The use of metacognitive strategies for reading purposes is interlinked with the attainment of advanced levels of literacy. Metacognition is a complex aspect of thought that involves both linguistic and cognitive activities. Recently the identification of strategies used by readers on tests of reading comprehension is of foremost interest. Using strategic knowledge or metacognition while monitoring the comprehension process is an important aspect of skilled reading. A focus on reading strategies assists researchers regulates the extent to which readers understand the purpose of reading. Readers' proficiency level is highly influenced by the strategy applied. This study has an experimental design involving a conventional group and an experimental group with whom a metacognitive reading strategy is implemented. This article documents a small-scale investigation of how effective implementation of metacognitive reading strategy directs students to a higher level of proficiency in reading comprehension. From the result of the study, we sum up that the participants exposed to metacognitive reading strategy exhibit better understanding and proficiency level than those who are not exposed to metacognitive reading strategy. The participants’ performance reveals an important implication about the development of reading comprehension through short stories.


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metacognition, strategy, reading comprehension, literary context

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