Ch. S. Sailaja


Education is the powerful tool which helps to modify the behaviour of the child according to the needs and expectancy of the society. Student’s attitude is an integral part of learning and that it should, therefore become an essential component of second language learning pedagogy. Attitudes toward learning are believed to influence behaviours such as selecting and reading books, speaking in a foreign language etc. Especially in Education, if the students have positive attitude towards any subject, they can achieve many things in that specific area. There is an interaction between language learning and the environmental components in which the students were grown up. Both negative and positive attitudes have a strong impact on the success of language learning. There are many factors that might cause the students’ low proficiency in English. One might be attributed to petroleum engineering students’ motivation towards the English language. This is because learners’ motivation has been widely accepted as a key factor which influences the rate and success of second/foreign language learning and “motivation of the students is one of the most important factors influencing their success or failure in learning the language". Another factor is learners’ attitudes. This is because an ESL/EFL learner's motivation in language learning is affected by his/her attitudes towards learning the language.


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learning anxiety, engineering students, environmental components, students’ motivation


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v0i0.42


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