Thi Minh Uyen Phan, Thi Thuy Hang Nguyen, Thi Xuan Dao Phan


The oral presentation is a form of communication that is intended to convey certain ideas, messages and information. It has become a part of most courses that are usually used in higher education or university. Nonetheless, making a presentation in fact, especially in English, sometimes becomes a big challenge task for a large number of students. Thus, the research "Factors affecting presentation skills of English majored sophomores at Tay Do University" was conducted to find out possible factors that students might encounter in making presentations. The participants in this study were 80 English-majored sophomores at Tay Do University. In the study process, questionnaires and interviews were used as the instruments to collect the data. The results of the research show that English majored sophomores at Tay Do University faced the factors in terms of background knowledge, linguistic factors, psychological factors, preparation and teachers' roles in the presentation process.


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factors affecting oral presentation skills; English majored sophomores, Vietnam

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v7i2.4217


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