Nguyen Thi Minh Hieu, Nguyen Truong Giang, Tran Tuyen, Nguyen Loc, Nguyen Dinh Nhu Ha


With the occurrence of the COVID-19 crisis, there has been dramatically growth and adoption of online education. As a consequence of the epidemic, institutes have been compulsory to close, and teaching and learning have changed fully to home studying. As a result, numerous educational institutions have adopted online teaching and learning on a massive scale. To combine the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach with a framework of computer-assisted language learning seems to be the best strategy during a coronavirus outbreak. This study offers a survey of the literature on Communicative Language Teaching in the situation of online teaching and studying. This paper begins with an overview, definition, and characteristics of CLT. It then examines how CLT can be beneficial in a virtual classroom: advantages and disadvantages. Besides, it discusses the approaches to using CLT in online teaching and learning. This paper's goal is to provide an effective overview that can be used for online language instruction. The study will add to our understanding of Communicative Language Teaching and its use in an online setting.


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communicative language teaching; online language learning; online language teaching

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