Thi Hanh Dang, Thanh Hai Chau, Cam Thuy Diep


Speaking is regarded as the most important aspect of communication skills, and it contributes to the success of language learners in their studies and careers, as well as the success of teachers in their teaching process. However, English-majored students, especially English-majored freshmen, usually face some errors in speaking English. Consequently, this research, entitled "A Survey on Common Errors in Studying Speaking Skills of English-majored Freshmen at Tay Do University" was conducted to figure out some common problems in speaking English that these English-majored students have encountered. The participants of this research were 80 students from two classes, English 15A and English 15B, at Tay Do University. The main research instrument for collecting the data was a questionnaire. The findings of this research pointed out the participants’ errors in speaking skills problems (pronunciation, grammar tense, pronunciation, mother tongue, vocabulary) and psychological problems (anxiety of error, lack of motivation, shyness, lack of confidence). The results showed that the students had errors in their speaking skills. Thanks to the results, some useful solutions were proposed for English-majored students.


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common errors, speaking skill, English-majored freshmen

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v7i3.4301


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