Thien Trang Truong Le, Thuy Hoai Thi Phan, Thao Trang Pham, Huy Thong Truong Phan


There is a growing interest in active learning as a shift from traditional lecturing to improving student-centred learning in English. However, in the Vietnamese context of teaching and learning at tertiary levels, little research has examined students’ perceptions of active learning in approaching Introduction to Literature. This study is therefore aimed to look into this area of interest. Participants in this study were 94 students from junior and seniors majoring in high-quality programs at a university in the Mekong Delta. Data were collected from questionnaires. The findings show that students had positive perceptions of active learning in studying this course. Implications for teaching and learning this course are made.


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active learning, English studies, high-quality program, literature

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