Ngoc Thao Dinh Tang, Minh Phu Pham, Thi Hong Gam Le, Nguyen Ngoc Phuong Truong, Phan Duy Minh Nguyen, Ba Tuong Pham


Vocabulary learning is extremely important when learning a foreign language. Fluency in a language depends on vocabulary and its use in specific situations. Speaking well is using vocabulary flexibly and speaking fluently. Researching the popularity of vocabulary is analyzing the prevalence of vocabulary used by linguistics students in communication from discourse analysis. This is a topic the research team is working on. This project will help the researchers learn about common vocabulary that students often use to communicate outside or in the classroom. Thereby understanding whether the vocabulary that students use is diverse, rich, and for the right purpose or not. This study will help students have a more comprehensive view of the ways to use words in communication. In addition, it also helps students improve their communication vocabulary, helps in exams and can be useful for later work. In this study, the research team will investigate the students' ability to use spoken vocabulary, i.e., frequency and extent of vocabulary usage.


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vocabulary, speaking, popularity, discourse analysis

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