Yang Feng, Xiya Wang


Patriotic education for college students is an important task in the education of various countries. This study conducted a 16-week patriotic and ideal education for college students in the context of Covid-19 prevention and control, and an exploration of the education model by integrating big data comparison of Chinese and foreign prevention and control in college English courses. Students in the experimental group were introduced to short videos related to Chinese and foreign news reports on the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 in the course, and carried out in-class thoughtful discussions and post-class sharing and discussions; students in the control group maintained their original study and life status. Post-test questionnaires and interviews revealed that most of the students in the experimental group realized that the necessity and success of China's epidemic prevention and control stemmed from the Chinese government's people-oriented approach and the advantages of the Chinese system and Chinese culture, which enhanced their self-confidence and pride in being Chinese and strengthened their "four self-confidences" in socialism with Chinese characteristics. More students combined their career aspirations with the modernization of China, significantly changed their learning attitudes and improved their motivation and academic performance. In contrast, students in the control group had no significant changes in the relevant post-test indicators compared with the pre-test because they maintained their original study and life status.


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Covid-19 prevention and control; big data comparison; Chinese university students; four self-confidences; educational experiment

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