Rocel Mae C. Roca, Edralin C. Manla


This study attempted to determine the grammar learning strategy and grammatical competence level of the 2nd year and 3rd year pre-service teachers. Additionally, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between their grammar learning strategy usage and grammatical competence level. To this end, the study employed the descriptive-correlational research method. Data were collected through a questionnaire facilitated in Google Forms. The study's results revealed that, first, the pre-service teachers have highly used the Grammar Learning Strategies in general and when categorized as Cognitive, Meta-cognitive, and Socio-affective; although all GLS categories were highly used, the one with the highest mean was the Cognitive GLS while the least was the Socio-affective GLS. Second, respondents were found to have a fair level of grammatical competence in general as well as when specified to Subject-Verb Agreement, Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement, Parts of Speech, and Adjective-Adverb Agreement. Lastly, it was found in this present study that there is a highly significant relationship between grammar learning strategy usage and grammatical competence level but it is a weak positive correlation at 0.20. This outcome is conducive to better understand the pre-service teachers' GLS usage, to maximize the other GLS which were not highly used, and to supply some references for enhancing one’s grammatical competence level.


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grammar learning strategies, metacognitive, cognitive, socio-affective, grammar, grammatical competence level

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