Hai-Ha Thi Nguyen


Managing change in English Language Teaching (ELT) has been implemented to meet the changing requirements and expectations of language learners in a globalized society. This paper investigates the application of change management models in the field of ELT, with particular emphasis on Vietnam. The research employed a document analysis approach by reviewing and analyzing relevant academic papers on change management and managing change in ELT. The study identified five change management models, including Lewin's Change Management Model, ADKAR Model, Kotter's 8 Step Change Model, McKinsey 7S Model, and Kübler-Ross Five Stage Model. Many of these models have been employed in the ELT sector. The best practice of applying change management models in EFL is recommended to Vietnam in order to improve English teaching in its institutions and centers. The paper is expected to provide an in-depth analysis of various change management models and their potential application in the Vietnamese context.


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change management, English Language Teaching (ELT), Vietnamese education, teaching methodologies, technology integration, curriculum shifts

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