Merafel Grace S. Abule, Tessie G. Miralles


This study investigated the mediating effect of English language anxiety on the relationship between classroom learning environment and coping strategies among first-year college students of UM Digos College. In order to do so, this study employed the quantitative research design using the descriptive and correlational method via mediation analysis. Using proportionate stratified random sampling, primary data were gathered through the use of online survey questionnaires addressed to 271 respondents who are first-year students with GE 2 subject. In addressing the hypotheses of the study, correlation analysis using Pearson product-moment correlation and mediation analysis using Sobel z test was used. The level of classroom learning environment, coping strategies, and English language anxiety were similarly high among college students. Results also revealed classroom learning environment has significantly predicted coping strategy. However, the classroom learning environment did not significantly predict English language anxiety. Further analysis through Sobel z test confirmed that the mediating effect of English language anxiety on the relationship between classroom learning environment and coping strategies is insignificant.


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classroom learning environment, English language anxiety, coping strategies, mediation, regression, Philippines

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