When reading, many researchers have theorized that readers construct information from a text by combining written information with their abstract knowledge structure called schema. Therefore, the reader’s knowledge is considered an important component in fully understanding a text’s meaning. Considering this, the paper sought to inquire about the everyday use of schema theory by teachers of English as a second language (ESL) in reading instruction. Specifically, this research study aimed to determine how reading teachers view schema theory, analyze their teaching practices based on ESL teachers’ responses to schema theory, and gather opinions and perceptions about the effects of applying schema theory in lesson preparation and delivery. The objectives were achieved through an appreciative inquiry-based questionnaire that was provided to participants chosen through convenience sampling. Afterward, the data were then analyzed through descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. The results showed that activities that promote independent realization schema are preferred among ESL teachers since they believed students learn in their own ways. The researcher also discovered that the participants had overall positive perceptions regarding activating schema in students, noting increased recollection and relation of ideas. Finally, the participants mentioned that they required more improvement to create and apply better techniques for better reading instruction. The researcher thus recommended enhancing teacher education, strengthening their conceptual knowledge about schemata, and giving them opportunities to immerse in diverse classrooms for a better understanding and application of schema theory to fully use schemata that play a major role in the development of their students.
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