Phuong Hong Thi Tu, Van De Phung


This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of using teacher interactive feedback (TIF) on students' paragraph writing performance. Furthermore, it examines students' attitudes towards this strategy. The study took place in a lower secondary school and used both qualitative and quantitative data. Participants were 86 students who were randomly assigned to the experimental group (EG) and the control group (CG). While students in the EG learned to write the paragraph utilizing the TIF, students in the CG learned to write the paragraph using the traditional technique. Before the intervention, students in both groups took a pre-test to gauge their level of writing proficiency. The results were then compared to relevant data. The experiment spanned eight weeks during which a post-test was then administered to students in both groups to evaluate their development, particularly that of the EG. To obtain insights into TIF, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were conducted. The findings from the study demonstrated a considerable improvement in paragraph writing skills through interactive feedback (IF) and paragraph writing instruction. Additionally, the majority of students showed their enthusiasm towards learning to write using TIF and expected to continue practicing this strategy in the future.


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teacher interactive feedback, paragraph writing, proficiency

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