Vo Thi Tuyet Hong, Hua Huu Ty, Nguyen Minh Dac, Nguyen Hoang Anh Tai, Huynh Minh Trang


This descriptive study aims to answer three main research questions, namely 1) What are the perceptions of English-majored students regarding the impact of watching English movies on their learning motivation?, 2) What are their perceptions of the impact of watching English movies on their language development?, and 3) What challenges do the students encounter when learning English through watching movies? In order to address these key questions, the data collected from 175 freshmen and juniors majoring in English Studies of the High-Quality Program at Can Tho University through a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire were quantitatively analyzed. The statistical analysis of the gathered data revealed that all the study participants strongly agreed with the positive impacts of watching English movies on their motivations to learn the target language as well as on their language development. Despite these positive effects, the students also admitted that they inevitably encountered several challenges while learning English through movie-watching, particularly in terms of rapid speech, extensive use of slang, and figurative language in English movies. Based on these research outcomes, possible implications have been further discussed for the effective use of movies in EFL classrooms to support the students’ learning process.


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