Duha Nur Dogan, Duhan Nurdan Dogan, Sule Dogan


The main purpose of this research is to assess the influence of teacher and student support in reducing speaking anxiety. Learners' self-efficacy was also explored in relation to the influence of teacher and classmate support on lowering speaking fear. For the goals of the study, 94 English Language Teaching Department (ELT) students from Atatürk University in Türkiye participated as the study's working group during the autumn term of the 2021-2022 academic year. The information was gathered using the Classmate Support Scale, the Teacher Support Scale, the General Self-Efficacy Scale, and the English-Speaking Anxiety Scale. The Amos and SPPS 22 programs were used to examine the data. The SPSS Macro Process tool was utilized in the study to compute the indirect impact estimates of the variables. The findings revealed a link between teacher support and self-efficacy. Moreover, classmate support exhibited a favorable relationship with self-efficacy. The findings demonstrated that the stronger the learner's self-efficacy, the less speaking anxiety they experienced during oral presentations. These findings indicate that teacher and classmate support have mediating roles in the link between ELT university students' self-efficacy and English-speaking anxiety.


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ELT department students, English speaking anxiety, teacher support, classmate support, self-efficacy

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