Nguyen Truong Giang


In an increasingly globalized world, effective oral presentation skills are essential for English-majored students, both academically and professionally. Furthermore, the integration of technology into education has become ubiquitous, and PowerPoint has emerged as a prominent tool for enhancing the effectiveness of oral presentations.  This research study investigated the crucial role of PowerPoint in fostering oral presentation skills among English-majored students within the specific context of Van Hien University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. With a sample size of 80 English-majored students in two separate classes, this research employed a mixed-methods approach with quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to comprehensively examine the influence of PowerPoint on the development of oral presentation competencies. The results indicate that while PowerPoint can enhance visual support and organization, its excessive use may detract from students' verbal communication skills. This paper also provides recommendations for educators on how to optimize its integration to benefit English-majored students' overall communication competence.


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PowerPoint, oral presentation, English-majored students, language education, communication proficiency

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