Goran Brkić


Emotional intelligence is closely related to vocabulary expansion and other language competencies. A learner with a good command of emotional language will express themselves better, recognise and name the emotions in themselves and others, notice their nuances, react to them appropriately, and verbally articulate their attitudes and opinions. The paper explores the potential of the graphic image entitled Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions as a stimulus for vocabulary expansion, translation exercises, comparisons of meanings, and language exercises in which emotions are contextualised in a broader communication situation. Using Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions, as described in the paper, offers a multitude of possibilities in the EFL/ESL classroom, where learners can practice various skills (including basic reading and translation, pronunciation, and contextualisation), learn about synonyms, near-synonyms, and antonyms, gradation of intensity, figurative language, collocations, morphology, and visualisation. Such activities can not only enrich the learners' vocabulary and enhance their reading comprehension skills but also increase their confidence in productive language skills (speaking and writing) and make them feel more comfortable using a variety of English words to convey their thoughts, feelings, and ideas.


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EFL, emotional intelligence, vocabulary building, Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v9i2.5387


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