Marco Agustin Mamba


Authentic materials serve as a framework in language education, placing emphasis on resources that resonate with the everyday experiences of learners. This approach ignites a profound motivation among learners. They are prompting their active involvement in the learning process. By infusing authentic materials into the lesson, students get exposed to a practical and relatable learning experience that, as they provide real-world contexts, fosters a more enhanced comprehension and better retention. The incorporation of authentic materials represents more than just a pedagogy; it symbolizes an initial venture into the vigorous intricacies of language acquisition, where learners are invited to embark on a learning journey filled with excitement and discovery. Confronting linguistic challenges akin to deciphering a foreign tongue can indeed prove daunting. Nevertheless, the burden of learning is significantly alleviated when materials resonate with students on a personal level, offering relatable content that resonates with their interests and experiences. Moreover, the art of tailoring materials to meet the unique needs and backgrounds of students is a transformative practice that yields tangible results in their academic journey. By aligning educational resources with students' cognitive and cultural landscapes, educators can cultivate an inclusive learning environment where every learner feels valued and empowered to excel. Ultimately, the integration of authentic materials not only enriches the educational experience but also fosters a sense of fulfilment and accomplishment among both students and educators alike, thereby propelling the trajectory of language learning to new heights of excellence.


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authentic materials, English language teaching (ELT), collaborative learning

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a) Journal article

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b) Online document

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c) Article by an organisation

Pearson. (2023, February 24). Using authentic material from the real world to teach English. Retrieved May 5, 2024, from

d) Article from an online course

Steve. (2023, February 7). The advantages of using authentic materials in the EFL classroom. Retrieved May 2, 2024, from



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