Bankole Idowu Akinwande, Funmilayo Temitope Ajayi, Kate Rashida Igbafe, Olukemi Morenike Olofinsao


The study explores the passionate quest for religious fulfillment in Okigbo’s Labyrinths. It involves a close reading of the poems contained in Labyrinths. Close textual analysis is employed to dissect the poems in Labyrinths, focusing on religious symbols, metaphors, and allusions that contribute to the portrayal of the quest for religious fulfillment. Literary and cultural theories, such as post-colonialism, cultural studies, and religious studies, provide a theoretical framework for the study. Findings show a synthesis of indigenous and Christian influences. Findings also show a preponderance of political allegory and postcolonial dynamics. Findings further show a wide deployment of symbolism, mythopoeia, and reader engagement. The research concludes by emphasizing the enduring relevance of Okigbo's work in shaping the understanding of African cultural heritage and the complexities of spiritual exploration in a rapidly changing world.


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passionate, quest, religious, fulfilment, Christopher Okigbo, Labyrinths

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v9i2.5446


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