Flora Amiti


The main factors that lead to the usage of the native language in an EFL classroom are the incomplete preparation of students from the teachers, during their years of studies. In this case, the difficulty is met for the Medical Secondary School students to whom the English language is used as a foreign language. In a context where students should improve their language, the interference of L1 might not be useful. Firstly, this paper explains the influence of L1 and its exposure at the Medical Secondary School in Gostivar. Secondly, it argues how often the foreign language should be used and how it should be used to help students improve their English learning. It details some facts about difficulties students have encountered in the past with a non-native teacher who also integrated L1 into the teaching setting. What will the future bring, and how to limit L1 usage? It then concludes by identifying music and lyrics as strategies for improving and reducing L1 usage in the classroom. Students should learn the English language to have a foreign language educational prosperity.


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proficiency level, interference of L1, limit L1 usage, music and lyrics

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