Youssef Tirizite, Driss Marjane


The feeling of ownership and sense of control, often referred to as learner agency that students have over their learning, has recently garnered significant attention in English language teaching. Instructional strategies that empower learners have yielded promising results with regard to student engagement and academic outcomes. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of high-agency practices among English teachers in Moroccan secondary education. Quantitative data was collected using a questionnaire. The sample comprised 130 Moroccan English teachers working in public schools. The findings revealed a strong inclination among the surveyed teachers towards utilizing teaching practices that support learner agency. However, certain areas, such as providing self-access opportunities and embracing uncertainty, exhibited varying frequencies among respondents. Despite these differences, the study highlighted that Moroccan English teachers are at the frontiers of pedagogical innovation. This research pinpoints specific areas for further development to enrich the cultivation of learner agency in language education.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v9i4.5546


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