Md. Arif Khan Pathan


Speaking skills are the most important and dominant skills of a language that a language learner can never avoid or underestimate. From academic life to professional life, strong speaking skills help students in all aspects of their lives. Good speaking skills also act as indicators of knowing a language. In spite of knowing the importance of having strong speaking skills, unluckily, the majority of the EFL learners are found very weak and incompetent in speaking. The current study explored the speaking habits of undergraduate-level EFL learners through a five-point Likert-scale survey and found that the learners are very careless about practicing and improving their speaking skills. They have lots of opportunities and resources around them, but they do not utilize them to practice these skills. As a result, they could not develop good speaking habits in their everyday lives. 


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speaking skills; speaking habits; EFL learners; undergraduate level

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v9i4.5602


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