Beatrice Nasambu Wasike


The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of the process approach model of teaching English language writing skills on Grade 8 junior school student performance. The objectives were to determine the students’ performance in the writing test before and after instruction using the process approach model and to analyze the effect of the process approach model on grade 8 students’ performance in the English language writing test in Eldoret town of Kenya. The study sample comprised 232 students and 4 teachers of English language from 2 public junior schools. The 2 schools were randomly assigned treatment and control conditions as intact groups. A written task and lesson observation of 4 teachers of English were used to collect data, which was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics that included a t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Data analysis revealed that the process approach to writing skills had a significant effect on students’ performance in the writing test (t = .000, p< 0.05). The experimental groups had a substantial increase in post-test measures as shown by the (F (3.228) = 43.262, p < 0.05) compared to the control groups that had none. The findings revealed that students significantly performed better using the process approach model of teaching English language writing skills. Based on the findings, it was recommended that teachers of English language should adopt the process approach to writing instruction in their classrooms to drive students towards peak writing performance.


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process approach model, writing skills, students’ performance, effect, Kenya

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