Francisco Godoy Tena


Translation teaching is extremely important in translation and interpreting courses. Owing to this, translation lecturers should be aware of how to teach, monitor, and correct translation students, as they may have a lack of terminology as well as a lower level of their working languages. These grammatical requirements need to be dealt with at the earliest stages of their translation training. One of the most important concerns for translation lecturers is the problems that future translators may experience within their professional careers. These issues become more serious as translation students work with more than two languages. Owing to this fact, they may encounter many interferences, especially in their initial university years. This issue in the translation is remarkable in the Spanish-French-English combination, when English is the third working language of these translation students (language C). As translation students need to have ongoing training, this difficulty needs to be solved from the beginning of their translation learning process. Thanks to this, translation lecturers have the possibility of dealing with these issues earlier, before translation mistakes become fixed and fossilized in their translation process. This research is based on a practical project that has been implemented in language and translation subjects taught in the first and third year of the Translation and Interpreting degree at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. This study assesses, analyses, and evaluates translation problems mainly based on interferences but extended to other usual issues that may arise from the initial source text into the final target text. Additionally, it provides some conclusions to solve those problems and further comments for students who begin their academic careers in translation.


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language interference, translation process, Language C (English), translation mistakes

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