In our research which is made in order to examine the organizational attractiveness and job satisfaction of instructors of physical education and sports who works in different regions in terms of different factors, there are 60 instructors who are 12 women and 48 men and have different academic title and work in 7 universities in different regions of Turkey. According to the variance of academic title of instructors, they ,distribute as 5 associate professor (% 8,5), 18 assistant professor (%30,0), 17 instructors (%28,3), 8 lecturers (% 13,3), 12 research assistant (% 20,0). While choosing of the universities, it is looked youngest universities and the number of instructors is least. “Minessota Job Satisfaction Scale”, “Organizational Attractiveness” and “Demographic Information Form” are used. The points which are located of scale dimensions are evaluated between 1 and 5. According to the test results which are done in order to find out if there is a meaningful difference in terms of the variances of academic title, age, years of service, duration of administration, administrative task, lesson hours, marital status of the averages points of the organizational attractiveness, internal satisfaction, external satisfaction, general satisfaction of the instructors who participate the research, a meaningful difference has not been found. There is a weak, positive directional relation among the internal, external satisfaction and organizational attractiveness. There is a weak, positive directional relation between general satisfaction and organizational attractiveness.
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