Purpose of Study: The aim of this research is studying the 1st class of female sports students science faculty according to school entry branch flexibility and balance parameters of the end of the year (2015-2016 school year). Material and Methods: Research the faculty of sports science teaching, coaching, sports management and recreation section 1 and 2 of the teaching students. 155 students participated: 45 of the subject females and 110 males. Student faculty input branches of the winter sports (skiing, tobogganing, ice skating, ice hockey, curling), volleyball, gymnastics, basketball and handball students, with sit-and-reach flexibility, measurement tool for the study of static and dynamic balance measuring device was used. In addition, the flexibility of the students arm-back, reverse back flexibility were determined. Dynamic equilibrium in the balance measurements were static balance and one foot left-right balance measurements. Measurements were made before the 15-minute warm-opening-stretching. Analysis: The obtained data were recorded for between branches comparisons. The age of the subjects was analyzed section and the branch distribution. Findings and Results: According to research results, it is found that dynamic balance and static balance measurements of athletes who are interested in winter sports (skiing, tobogganing, ice skating, ice hockey, curling) are much better than dynamic balance and static balance measurements of athletes who are interested in team sports (volleyball, basketball and handball). Also, it is seemed that dynamic balance and static balance data of gymnastic branch students are better than team sport athletes’ data.
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Copyright (c) 2017 R. Nazım Saraçoğlu, Ahmet Şirinkan, Sertaç Erciş, Nurcan Demirel

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