Mehmet M. Yorulmazlar


The purpose of our work is to determine the effects of the first and second period globalization processes on the sports institutions of the Ottoman State. This aim is to be able to explain the tendency of the globalization which emerged as a continuation of each other in accordance with the spirit of the era of the Turkish sport institutions. Globalization is a very influential phenomenon on the changes of states, social and economic institutions. Globalization; can be regarded as a concept that deals with a wide variety of disciplines and markets, and establishes relationships that influence and interfere with these disciplines and markets. From this perspective, it is also a fact that the effects of countries on sports institutions are inevitable. In the study, a qualitative method called "descriptive field scanning", documentary or documentary study was followed. In this way, our research has been structured by the historical research method and the historical survey method with qualitative research in terms of content. Historical research methodology has been supported by archival scanning method based on reviewing, translating, reading and evaluating books, documents, files, official and private correspondence documents, foreign language information and documents The sports schools of the Ottoman state's sports institutions were weakened by the loss of their importance by being negatively affected as the economic aims of the establishment causes with the change of trade routes in the first globalization process. In the second globalization process; despite the fact that the Ottoman state was in its recent times, it tried to adapt to the socio-economic changes brought about by Globalization. At the end of this effort, importance has been given to sports and sports institutions in education, social life. He transferred both the sports institutions and the sports workforce to the state of the Republic of Turkey, which is the continuation of the Ottoman state. 


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globalization, Ottoman State, sports organizations, sports schools, sports corporation


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