The aim of the present study was to assess the relationship between the anthropometric variables and throwing skill in among male softball players. Total 150 male university and national level softball players of different universities and states of India were selected thorough purposive sampling technique. The age of subjects ranged between 18 to 30 years. Body weight of the subjects was measured with a portable weighing machine. Height measurements were taken using the standard anthropometric rod. Body mass index was then calculated using the formula weight (kg)/height2 (m). The circumferences of body parts were measured with the help of flexible steel tape. The diameters of the body parts were assessed with sliding caliper. The skinfolds thicknesses of body parts of the subjects were taken with Harpenden skinfold caliper. Percentage body fat as estimated from the sum of skinfolds was calculated using standardized equations. Throwing skill of the players was assessed as given in the AAHPERD softball skill test battery. Karl Pearson’s product moment co-efficient of correlation was computed to assess the relationship between anthropometric characteristics and throwing skill test of softball among the softball players. The result of the study shows that height (p=0.026), weight (p=0.008), total arm length (p=0.001), the upper arm length (p=0.018) and lower arm length (p=0.007) had significant relationship with the throwing skill in softball. The throwing skill was significantly associated with the upper arm circumference (r=0.265, p=0.001), biacromial (p=0.007) and bicondylar humerus (p=0.009) diameters. Lean body mass (p=0.000) was also found to be significantly associated with the throwing skill test in the male softball players.
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