The purpose of this study was determined the effects of 12 weeks aerobic exercise and weight-lifting plus aerobic exercise on blood pressure, blood serum lipids and lipoproteins of sedentary females. Thirty seven sedentary females (Aerobic group mean age: 44.66 years, Weight-Lifting + Aerobic group mean age: 40.80 years) participated in this study. Before initiate the exercise their blood samples, peripheral measurements and thickness of skinfolds were taken. The subjects participated in aerobics group (n = 21) and weight-lifting plus aerobics group (n = 16) 3 times in a week through one hour. The intensity of exercise was increased gradually and their heart rates were raised up to 130-140 rates per-minute and of the tension. Two way ANOVA was used in this study. There were no significant difference between two different type of exercise groups (p>0.05) fırst group (aerobic); HDL-C (High Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol) 18.12%, second group (weight-lifting plus aerobic) %28.23, there were a significant increase among them (p<0.01). Total cholesterol decrease 13.97% in group of aerobic exercise and it decreases 7.13% in group of weight-lifting plus aerobic. Triglyceride decreases 31.74% in group of aerobic exercise; it decreases 19.53% in group of weight-lifting plus aerobic exercise. Level of LDL-C was decreased 28.11% in group of aerobic exercise, 21.46% in group of weight-lifting plus aerobic. When we consider exercise types, the only flats of type is on triglyceride and APO B, (p<0.05), there were effects of exercise duration is on HDL-C, LDL-C AND Total cholesterol (p<0.01). There were effects of type and duration of exercise on TC, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C, APO A1, and APO B (P<0.01). In this study, regular aerobic and weight-lifting plus aerobic exercises have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in sedentary women and a significant improvement in systolic and diastolic blood pressures as well as reduction of cholesterol, triglyceride, and of LDL-C. Level of HDL-C was increased in both of exercise groups.
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