This study aims at determining the effect of the integration of children with simple mental disabilities with their normal peers in the game of basketball in the development of their social interaction. For this purpose, the experimental approach was used through the application of a cooperative educational programme in basketball. The latter consists of 11 units through which two groups of 5 children of simple mental disability-belonging to the mentally disabled children care centre of the district of Mostaganem (Algéria) were integrated with a group of 5 other normal children whose age ranged between 9 and 12. We used the gauge of social interaction for the mentally disabled, Goodnough’s drawing test to measure intelligence, and Alfred Binet’s age measurement test. After data analysis, we found out that the integration of children with simple mental disability with their normal peers in basketball has a positive effect on the social integration of the formers (children with simple mental disability). In addition to that, we found that the integrated cooperative approach as a means of integration in basketball contributed to a fast development of social interacting for the mentally disabled children.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Sifi Belkacem, Zabchi Noreddine, Benzidane Houcine, Sebbane Mohamed

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