Serdar Samur


After the 1990’s, the changes in the football world had helped to develop and to grow the economy of football rapidly. The development of digital broadcasting led to build a bigger commercial structure. With the effect of those changes, commercial incomes, sponsor revenues, stadium and facilities incomes, and betting incomes have increased over time. This rapid change also brings several problems. UEFA has published their criteria in order to protect football’s sustainability and viability in a long term. Depending on license criteria that is published by UEFA, it has used a road map for football clubs, regarding of corporate structure of UEFA to work, that identified the general rules like in a company structure and management that should be all the necessary factors of production in a systematic and effective way in order to transform football clubs to a corporate organization and make them sustainable. Football clubs are determinedly founded and play an important role in the improvement of the football player. However, few resources are available for those responsible for organizing, developing, and managing club sports. With this out of the common guide explains readers how to run a club in today’s demanding, high competitive and high-tech environment and, establish its brand, and bring in the revenue required to ensure long-term success. Those who manage and lead clubs will find that they can improve a successful business plan of their club mission and have the instruments to develop and sustain organizations that are feasible and financially wealthy and that satisfy the needs of footballer and those who support them. 


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UEFA criteria, sports management, football, success, football player


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