The aim of the study is to develop a valid and reliable scale to measure interests of university students to sports. In the spring of 2016, Validity and reliability research is realized on 600 students getting education at different departments of Karabuk University within the scope of the research. For data collection; Developed by the author "University Students Scale for Interest Levels towards Sports" is used. A measurement tool consisting of two parts is benefited during the data collection process. The first part of measurement tool is demographic information form, while the second part being interest scale towards sports that is prepared in order to determine the interest level of students towards sports. Confirmatory factor analysis is used in order to approve the structure obtained as a result of the explanatory factor analysis. Their accord indexes are examined in order to understand whether the scale is valid or not. Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficients of 10 articles that are determined regarding a single factor for the reliability of the scale are calculated. As a result of the conducted studies, one-factor 10-article valid and reliable scale is developed that may measure the interest of students towards sports.
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