The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between organizational creativity levels and problem-solving abilities of senior and mid-level sports managers working in Istanbul Sports Activities and Business Trading Corporation. Relational screening model which is used to determine the relationship between variables is applied. In the direction of the aim of the research, target population of the study is composed of senior and mid-level managers working in İstanbul Sports Activities and Business Trading Corporation; the sample designed by simple random sampling method is composed of volunteer sports managers (n=98). Personal information form, organizational creativity scale and “Problem Solving Inventory” designed by Heppner and Petersen (1982), adapted to Turkish by Şahin and Heppner (1993) are applied to participants. The obtain data are recorded by "IBM SPSS 22" packaged software. As statistical processing, Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis are used. As a result, it is determined that the organizational creativity of the sport managers is at a high level, problem solving abilities are inadequate, and there is a negative relationship between organizational creativity levels and problem-solving abilities, and organizational creativity level predicts problem solving abilities.
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