The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between the levels of life satisfaction and leisure time satisfaction of foreign students study at Erciyes University. The research group totally consists of 220 foreign students, 147 of them are male and 73 of them are female students study at Erciyes University. In order to obtain lesiure time satisfaction level data, ''Leisure Time Satisfaction Scale'' developed by Karlı et al. In 2008 and 'Life Satisfaction Scale' developed in 1985 by Diener et al. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of gender variance, while there was a meaningful difference between the groups according to the place they live, the sporting situation, the type of activity they attended and the way they affect their classes. There was an important difference found between the groups according to their gender, sporting activities, activity types they attended and their influence on their courses, while there was no significant difference found between the groups according to their residence status in life satisfaction levels. There was a positive relationship found between the leisure time satisfaction levels and the life satisfaction levels of the foreign students who participated in the study. As a result, as the level of satisfaction of foreign students who study at Erciyes University increases then their level of satisfaction also increases.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1244
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