Shirin Aghamohammadi, Seyed Ebrahim Mosaviyan, Mohammad Heidari


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership Style in the female sports coaches from Hamedan Province. This study, according to its purpose, is an applied research and a correlational study. The population of this study included all female sports coaches of Hamedan province in 2013, their number is 250. To determine the sample size, the Morgan table was used. The sample was calculated according to Table 148. To gather intelligence, emotional intelligence questionnaire Saber Yashring (1986) was used which has 33 questions in Likert scale of five options and includes aspects of self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy and social skills and Bass and Avolio Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (2000) which measures the transformational leadership style, exchange and avoidance and consists of 45 questions that deals with the assessment indicators of transformational leadership, transactional and avoid. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and Cronbach’s alpha reliability of 0.80 and 0.85 were approved. The data was analysed using Pearson and the SPSS software. Results show that there are significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership Style in the Female Sports Coaches from Hamedan Province.


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emotional intelligence, leadership style, coaches


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