The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of mental toughness on the performance score of table tennis players. To work on this purpose a total of 24 table tennis players (male and female) were selected as the subjects purposively. The Mental Toughness Questionnaire developed by Goldberg (1995) was used to measure the level of mental toughness of the players. ANOVA and independent t-test was computed to find out the significant relationship. Level of significance was set at 0.05. The results indicate that- there is significant relationship exists for the handling pressure a sub-category of mental toughness among table tennis female and male players, further it was found that there is no significant difference exists between table tennis female and male players in the variables of concentration, mental rebounding, and winning attitude and/or other sub-categories of mental toughness. The comparison between female and male in this study has not shown any significant difference but as a means, the male players have greater mental toughness than their counterpart.
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