Purpose of Study: The aim of this research is evaluation with examining the individual movement training program which is applied to autistic students with Brockport tests.
Material and Method: Six male autistic students participated to the research. Student’s ages were 8, 10, 12, 13, 15 and 17. The test battery was prepared for measured the student’s physical properties with Brockport tests which are age, height and weight and the applied Brockport tests by the improved battery for the disabled which are 30 sec push-up test, hang to bar with straight arm, 1 mile (1600m) running, 20 m ramp walking test, 30 sec shuttle test, reverse shuttle test, sit-reach flexibility test, hang at the bar with twisted arms, right and left hand grip test. The game materials and essential exercises for training (various sizes and softness of balls, various sizes of pilates balls, targets, jump ropes, various height of targets and boards, colored balls and targets, various weight of dumbbells, various weight of medicine ball etc.) were prepared. 50-70 sec trainings were done two days in a week. Sixth week in training, tests were done again and saved. At the end of the twelfth week, the selected tests were done as last test and were compared with other test results and evaluated. The obtained data were evaluated with interpretation and tabulated.
Finding and Results: According to research results, development were observed in tests of 30 sec push-up, hang to bar with straight arm, 20m ramp walking, 30 sec shuttle test, reverse shuttle, sit-reach flexibility, hang at the bar with twisted arms and right hand grip in all students. Only in the tests of 1 mile (1600m) running, and left hand grip there wasn’t any development.
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