The study aims at comparing each of the mini-games and high-intensity intermittent exercise in order to figure out which of the two methods that most developing the aerobic capabilities (VO2max-VMA), using the experimental approach through proposing two training programs, each program consists of 8 weeks, by two training sessions each week. The size of each share ranged from 90 to 120 minutes, the programs conducted on a sample consisted of 36 players, divided into 18 players from the WABT team and 18 players from the USBT team. It has also been relying on research tools that are in line with the nature and objectives of the study. Physical tests that have been tested validity of the scoping study. They involved 10 players (5 from WABT team, and 5 from the USBT team), without involving the members of the scoping study in the basic study.
All of these steps have led to discharging a set of results that have been analyzed and processed statistically to reach at the latter to the following results:
- No statistical significance between the two groups in pre- tests.
- There are similarities between the two methods in the development of an aerobic capacity (VMA et VO2max).
- There is no statistical significance in the post tests between the two groups.
After comparing the results of pre and post tests within each group, we concluded the extent of the contribution of each of the two programs in the development of aerobic capacities. All these results prompted us to develop a set of suggestions:
- The organization of forums and special days of formation of modern requirements in football means and methods especially from the physical trainers.
- Proposing the use of both the high-intensity intermittent exercise way and mini-games during the various stages of the annual planning, especially in the preparation stage and competition stage.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1273
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Copyright (c) 2017 Kacem Abdelhadi, Bouhadj Meziane, Mazari Fatah, Boumediene Kada

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