Job satisfaction is defined as the result of individuals’ attitudes towards their jobs, which is affected by such factors as job related wage, supervision, working conditions, improvements opportunities, acknowledgement of skills, job evaluation, human relations in the organization and environment. It is the most important problem of human resources in every area, from public sector to private sector, industry to sports, teachers to officers, athletes to referees. Job satisfaction has social, economic and psychological consequences on individuals. The purpose of the present research is studying the job satisfaction levels of volleyball referees as one of the human resources sports sector. The universe of the research consists of referees working for Turkish Volleyball Federation, while the sample consists of 134 volleyball referees selected via simple sampling method among the universe. Job Satisfaction of the participants was evaluated with "Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ)" short form. At the first step, Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) scores of participants were calculated. With these scores, referees’ satisfaction levels from external and internal environment factors were determined. At the second step, variation in these scores by gender was analysed. Non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was utilized at 0.05 significance level, to analyse the variation in average scores from job satisfaction factors. The findings of the present research are as follows: General job satisfaction of volleyball referees ranges between 3.73 and neutral satisfaction level, increasing towards satisfaction level. This is a positive development for Volleyball Federation. For the institutions to survive and compete, they need to use the resources they have efficiently and increase their general performance accordingly. Average satisfaction score of referees from internal environmental conditions is 3.9200 and the average satisfaction from external environmental conditions is 3.3582. This finding indicates that referees are more satisfied with the refereeing job than they are with the opportunities provided by the federation.
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