The aim of this study is to examine the effect of eight-week core and balance training on single-leg sway parameters and well-directed kick of male soccer players. 24 male players of an amateur soccer club aged 14 to 15 participated in the study. The participants were randomized into an experimental group (EG, n=12) performing core and balance trainings with soccer training and a control group (CG, n=12) performing only their routine soccer training programs for 8 weeks. Biodex Balance SD (Biodex Inc., Shirley, NY) device was used to measure single-leg sway parameters and Mor–Christian general aptitude soccer test was used to evaluate well-directed kick. EG athletes showed statistically better results in well-direct kick and dominant-leg-sway parameters than CG athletes (p < 0.05) while there was not seen any changes on non-dominant leg sway parameters (p > 0.05). When classical soccer practice supported by core and unstable surface exercises, possible developments in balance affects dominant and non-dominant legs of athletes to achieve in soccer the necessary skills more easily so it can be concluded that regular soccer training with core and balance exercises would be particularly effective in improving balance parameters and soccer skills.
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