Gender is an ongoing classification of an individual starting from infancy to adulthood. In the Turkish society, the roles of women and men are clearly distinguished by cultural, tradition, custom, beliefs, educational, income and family norms. It is thought that girls in Turkish society can overcome restrictive over-traditionalist attitudes by doing sports. One of the relatively favorable environments for equality between men and women in social life is the sports environment. It is important that the participation of the athletes, coaches, managers and sports specialists in sport environments as well as men and women whose gender role attitudes are favored by all gender role attitudes of all sports employees, will increase the number of sports people in the society as well as increase the number of physically and psychologically healthy individuals, It is thought. The aim of the study based on this idea is to examine the attitudes of sports employees regarding gender roles. The average age of the survey is 30.45 ± 8.41 and 244 sportsmen working in Antalya. Muğla and Bitlis Youth Services and Sports Provincial Directorate constitute the sportsmen. “Attitude Scale Related to Gender Roles” developed by Zeyneloglu and Terzioğlu (2011) was applied to determine the gender perception of sports employees participating in the survey. In the evaluation of data, SPSS 23.0 statistical package program was used frequency analysis Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro Wilk normality test Mann-Whitney U test Kruskal Wallis test Chi-square test Pearson correlation test statistic was used. As a result, gender role attitudes of sports employees were found to be significantly different between gender, education, mother, and father education variables. It is noteworthy that the traditional attitudes of female sports employees and the equality attitudes of male sports employees are high. The low level of gender role in marriage according to the level of education of the mother shows that the employees' mothers have traditional holdings in marriage. The high level of egalitarian gender role attitudes in sports employees according to their educational status indicates that they have a traditionalist position in the egalitarian gender role.
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