This survey aims at revealing the relationship of sources of psychological stress to the level of self-esteem. It focused mainly on the following questions:
- Is there a correlation between fear of physical abuse and self-esteem?
- Is there a correlation between rewards, incentives, and self-esteem?
- Is there a correlation between conflict of social dimension and level of self-esteem?
- Is there a correlation between media dimension and level of self-esteem?
- Is there a correlation between physical condition, time and level of self-esteem?
- Is there a correlation between fear of failure and level of self-esteem?
- Is there a correlation between personal conflict and level of self-esteem?
- Is there a correlation between media dimension and level of self-esteem?
The survey suggested a number of hypotheses based on the existence of a correlation between each of the dimensions of psychological stress mentioned above and the level of self-esteem. The study was based on the descriptive correlative approach as it dealt with the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variables. The sample of the study consisted of elite referees of the professional football division, which was chosen in a deliberate manner, and reached 80 referees. The following tools have been used: the self-assessment scale prepared by Hussein Abdel Aziz Al-Derini and Mohamad Ahmad Oussama, Abdelwahab Mohamad Kamil which has been applied and adapted by Professor Bachir Mamria on the Algerian environment, psychological sources of stress measure and initial information form. These tools were applied after estimating the psychometric properties that confirmed their suitability for use with the basic study sample. The following statistical methods have been relied on, Pearson correlation coefficient using the statistical software version 20 SPSS for statistical significance.
The study comes out with the following results:
- There is a correlation between fear of physical abuse and self-esteem.
- There is a correlation between rewards, incentives, and self-esteem.
- There is a correlation between conflict of social dimension and level of self-esteem.
- There is a correlation between media dimension and level of self-esteem.
- There is a correlation between physical condition, time and level of self-esteem.
- There is a correlation between fear of failure and level of self-esteem.
- There is a correlation between personal conflict and level of self-esteem.
- There is a correlation between media dimension and level of self-esteem.
The study outcomes have been discussed in light of the theoretical framework and the results of previous studies and concluded with a set of proposals.
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