The aim of this study was to construct norms for Basic Movement Patterns of Freestyle Wrestling Player. Fifty five, male Freestyle Wrestling Player of Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar between the age group of 19-25 years volunteered to participate in the study. The 20 Meter Dash Test was used to measure Running Speed, Illinois Agility Test was used to measure Running Agility, Standing Long Jump Test was used to measure Jumping Ability and Overhead Medicine Ball Throw Test was used to measure Throwing Ability. Statistical analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows version 16.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). In order to construct the norms, Percentile Scale was used. Further, the scores were classified into five grades (i.e., very good, good, average, poor and very poor). In Running Speed, the scores below 5.149 are considered very poor, from about 4.837-5.49 is considered poor, 4.213-4.837 is considered average, 4.213-3.901 is considered good and the scores above 3.901 are considered very good. In Running Agility, the scores below 17.54 are considered very poor, from about 16.896-17.54 is considered poor, 15.608-16.896 is considered average, 15.608-14.964 is considered good and the scores above 14.964 are considered very good. In Jumping Ability, the scores below 218 are considered very poor, from about 224.409-218 is considered poor, 224.409-237.227 is considered average, 237.227-243.636 is considered good and the scores above 243.636 are considered very good. In Throwing Ability, the scores below 8.983 are considered very poor, from about 10.582-8.983 is considered poor, 10.582-13.78 is considered average, 13.78-15.379 is considered good and the scores above 15.379 are considered very good.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Baljinder Singh Bal, Lovepreet Singh, Gurpinder Singh, Bhupinder Singh

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