Introduction: Strength training (ST) is one of the most widely practiced forms of exercise today, for individuals of different ages, of both sexes and with different levels of physical fitness. There are several reasons arising from the TF practice, however, there is a large component dedicated to aesthetics, especially to muscle hypertrophy. Objective: To analyze the acute responses of blood lactate (LAC) in different strength training methods. Methods: We evaluated 12 men with experience in strength training (age 27 ± 1.2 years, body mass 80.15 ± 6.5 kg and practice time of 4.5 ± 1.4 years). The study protocol was given by:1) anamnesis and explanation of the research; 2) 1RM test for the bench press exercise; 3) familiarization with the training protocols; 4) perform of isodynamic method (ISO), 5) perform of negative repetitions method (NGT); 6) perform of decreasing pyramid method (PRD); 7) perform of decreasing interval method (ITD); 8) perform of the rest-pause method (RST); 9) perform of wave method (OND). For the analysis of LAC in the methods, they were observed pre and post exercise which was removed 0.1 ml of blood from the right ear lobe of individuals and measured using a calibrated portable device. Results: it was observed that the acute response was statistically significant after the exercises (p <0.05), however there was no difference between exercises and types of stress induced by the same (Metabolic, Tension and Mixed - p> 0, 12). Conclusion: Acute responses after realization of different training methods for muscle hypertrophy increased significantly LAC. Regarding the types of stress induced by exercise (TEM, TE and MIS), the LAC was no significant difference between them; however, it was observed that the methods that induce metabolic stress had greater changes in LAC.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Henrique Miguel, Marcus Vinícius de Almeida Campos, Rafael Dramis Calixto, Marcos Tadeu Tavares Pacheco

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