The study has been conducted to reveal the weight losses of the sportspeople involved with wrestling and the impacts of their reduced weight on them. The population of the study consists of the wrestlers who competed in category (A) in the intercollegiate Turkey Wrestling Championship 2016 and the sampling group is constituted by 92 wrestlers chosen by way of the random sampling method. A questionnaire regarding the objective of the study has been developed. The reliability of the questionnaire was ensured through the Cronbach’s Alpha method. Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was found as 0,70. The questionnaire developed was caused to be filled in by the one-to-one interviewed individuals determined by means of a random sampling method. For the statistical determination of the frequency (%), crosstabs, and differences, Chi-Square (X2) test operations were used. In the determination of the difference between the variables, 0,05 was accepted as the confidence range. From the data obtained within the scope of the study, it was determined that the sportspeople involved with the wrestling branch of the weight-based sports lose 3-6 kilos from their weights prior to the competition in general as they are successful sportspeople; that their weight loss methods were workout and diet or workout, diet, and sauna; that they experience the wish of discontinuing wrestling and unwillingness during and after the process of weight loss; that they are, due to weight loss, defeated by their competitors who they defeated prior to the weight loss and they consider their defeat as the consequence of their weight loss; and that they experience dizziness, mouth dryness, acute disorder in their digestion systems, cramps in various parts of their bodies, perceptive disorder, negative impact in their excitement levels, decline in their workout process and performances, nervousness, and irritability. These situations are significant at 0,05 significance level.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1411
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