Mahmood Bahremand, Mohsen Vaez Havas


Inefficient mental representation and negative cognitive structures are occurring when a negative event would active inefficient schema. Negative schemas are continuing when people apply a false logic. For example, generalize too much negative items or have more attention to negative issues. One of the measures of inefficient thoughts is depression. Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders. The World Health Organization classified depression in the fourth row of the most acute problems of public health across the world. This disorder can disrupt people's normal life such that causes to severe reduction in enjoy daily activities such as socializing, recreation, sports, food, and sex. This inability is reliable and effective. For patient the food is tasteless, job is boring and former meaningful associations would become inane and meaningless. Depressed people are desperate and isolated in terms of emotional, in terms of cognitive features they are suffer from slowdown in thinking process, anxiety, obsessive, inability to make decisions, negative self-concept, self-blame and guilt delusions, in terms of energetic qualities they suffer from Fatigue, loss of appetite and sleep loss and delusions of sin and disease.


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dysfunctional thoughts, coping, behaviour, mind, students


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.142


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