Aida Bendo, Laura Derhemi


The aim of the study is to compare the levels of physical activity and anthropometric parameters during the curricular time of a 45 minutes physical education lesson three time a week, in different kind of sports: volleyboll, basketball and athletics. A total of 88 teenage girls aged from 13-14 years old from “Pjetër Budi” elementary school in Tirana, have taken part volunteering in this study. The study period lasted from September to June 2014. The body mass index (BMI) significantly decreased in the group which was engaged with basketball (p < 0.000), which was associated from a decreased in body weight. A significant increase in height, body weight and BMI (p < 0.005) was observed in both volleyball and athletic groups. No significant changes were detected comparing between groups by paired t-test for equality. The t-test within groups revealed that some anthropometric parameters significantly were changed during this period in all three groups of sports. The Anova analysis showed that no significant changes were observed comparing these groups to each-other (p > 0.005), except the height parameter between volleyball and athletic groups  (p < 0.05). Although an addition of an hour a week increase in physical activity, accordingly to the new curricular program of physical education lesson, a clear improvement in health fitness parameters will help the children to achieve better results of motor performance in the future.


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anthropometric parameters, physical activity, motor performance, fitness


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