In this study, it was aimed to determine the empathy skills of Provincial Directors and Branch Managers who are working in provincial organizations of Ministry of Youth and Sports in Turkey. The universe of the study consists of Provincial Directors and Branch Managers who are working in provincial offices of Ministry of Youth and Sports in Turkey. In this study, sampling is 252 persons in total including Youth Services and Sports Provincial Directors and Branch Managers working in the Youth and Sports Ministry's provincial offices in 63 provinces in Turkey. Of the questionnaires to 252 respondents who participated in the study, 20 were excluded from the analysis because they were contrary to the survey rules and 232 questionnaires were applied. As the data collection method within these analyzes, the Empathy Skill Scale (EBO) of Üstün Dökmen (1988) was used. There are 6 questions on this scale except for demographic variables and 12 reaction cues that can be given to these questions. The subjects were asked to choose 4 of these 12 reaction cues. Each of the 6 problems has 1 irrelevant reaction sentence. These irrelevant cues are there to know if they have filled in your surveys randomly. The maximum score that can be obtained from EBO is 18.25, while the minimum score is 5.16. The reliability of the scale was tested by Dökmen (1988). In the analysis of the data, SPSS 20 statistical package program was used. In the analysis of the data, one-way ANOVA test was applied in order to understand the relationship between frequency variables and t-test in two variable situations and the relationship between two variables. The level of significance was determined as 0.05. According to the findings of the research, while there is a significant difference between the years of service and empathy skills of the Provincial Directors, active sports making, sports level, education, the region where they work, duty titles. There was no significant relationship between the branch managers' age, duty year, gender, active sport, sports level, education, region they worked in, task titles.
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