The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between athletes' perceptions of stress and athletic identity perceptions. A total of 240 licensed athletes –at least for two years- voluntarily participate the study by random sampling. In order to collect data, Athletic Identity Scale adapted from Öztürk and Koca (2013), which is originally developed by Brewer and Cornelius (2001), and Stress Coping Styles Scale adapted from Şahin and Durak (1995) are used. To analyze the data; frequency correlation and one-way ANOVA tests are employed. The findings show that there is a moderate level significant relationship between the stress coping and the athletic identity perceptions. Moreover the results indicate that gender is strongly correlated with athletic identity while age is positively correlated with stress coping. Furthermore the correlation analysis reveals positive associations between sports history, athletic identity and stress coping as a result, there is a positive relationship between athlete identity perception levels and stress coping. We also see that there is a significant relationship between the age of the athletes and the athlete identity perception and the level of coping with stress.
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